Even if you have had little to do with the topic of electric mobility, you have certainly heard about the BAFA subsidy or read something on this topic. No wonder, after all, even some car dealers advertise the up to 9,000 euros that new e-car owners get back from the federal government. The offer is indeed very tempting and makes potential switchers curious. But just as quickly as the BAFA subsidy arouses curiosity, it sometimes deters it again. Submitting documents, observing deadlines, the question of whether one's own vehicle is even eligible and a multitude of other things inevitably come up in the course of buying a car. However, it is not difficult at all to submit the BAFA application for your own electric car. We explain everything you need to know about the BAFA application for an electric car, from what the BAFA environmental bonus actually is to a step-by-step guide to the BAFA application process.
BAFA environmental bonus - What is it?
The environmental bonus is fundamentally a measure of the Federal Government to promote the sale of emission-free electric vehicles. "BAFA" is specifically the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control. Due to the high purchase price compared to a combustion engine, many end consumers find it difficult to make the switch. In addition, the charging infrastructure that is often required is a cost factor. The car manufacturers also participate in the environmental bonus with a manufacturer's share.
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Extension of the innovation premium until 2022
The innovation premium is the doubling of the federal share of the environmental bonus agreed as part of the Corona Crisis Economic Stimulus Programme. The grant programme, which was actually only limited until the end of 2021, was initially extended until the end of 2022, so you continue to benefit from even better conditions. How the innovation bonus will continue in 2023 cannot be predicted at the moment. What is certain is that the Federal Government wants to give electromobility a further boost through the new orientation of the subsidy, as Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck emphasised. Furthermore, a demonstrably positive climate protection effect is to be the decisive factor for the new orientation of the subsidy. Especially for certain plug-in hybrids, the new orientation could pose a problem in the coming years. So if you are interested in such a plug-in hybrid vehicle, it is worth considering a purchase, especially this year.
From the coalition agreement for the 20th legislative period:
We want to reform the subsidy for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids on a degressive basis and in principle in such a way that, from 1 January 2023, it is only spent on vehicles that have a demonstrable positive climate protection effect, defined only by an electric driving share and a minimum electric range.
Requirements: What do you have to consider for BAFA funding?
Before you buy a new e-car or a new plug-in hybrid, you should familiarise yourself with the requirements for BAFA funding. This is the only way to ensure that you are not negatively surprised afterwards and do not receive the subsidy.
Eligible vehicles
The list of eligible vehicles can be found HERE on the BAFA website. This list is constantly updated, which is why it is particularly advisable to always refer to the original list on the BAFA website to be sure. Comparable lists in third-party articles may no longer be up-to-date and may contain misinformation. In addition to the eligible vehicles, sorted by manufacturer, you will also find the BAFA list price of the respective models here.
Leasing or purchase?
In principle, there are several advantages that speak in favour of leasing. The e-car market is still very dynamic and the technology is developing rapidly. With a lease, you are on the safe side and always have a state-of-the-art electric car. Especially if it is possible for you to lease an electric car commercially, you will save money. But is it possible to receive the BAFA subsidy without any problems when leasing? Yes! At least as long as the term of the leasing contract is longer than 23 months. If the term is shorter, the maximum subsidy amount is reduced in stages. For example, for a term of 6-11 months you will only receive 25% of the maximum subsidy and for a term of 12-23 months only 50%.
Used vehicles?
Used electric vehicles are also eligible, but only those registered for the first time after 04 November 2019. In addition, a minimum holding period of the applicant of 6 months in the Federal Republic of Germany applies. If the car is resold before the end of this period, this must be reported immediately and will result in the subsidy amount having to be repaid. You should therefore in any case pay attention to the holding period of the previous owner. Since there has been abuse of the subsidy in the past and electric vehicles have been sold abroad after a short holding period, the Federal Government is considering extending the minimum holding period in the future. At umschalten.de we will keep you up to date in any case.
Finally, in order to purchase a used vehicle and receive BAFA funding, you will need additional documentation: Proof of the list price of the new vehicle in the form of an expert opinion from Deutsche Automobil Treuhand (DAT), an expert opinion from Schwacke GmbH or a new vehicle invoice. If no DAT or Schwacke appraisal is submitted, a declaration of the vehicle's mileage of no more than 15,000 kilometres at the time of registration by an expert, an officially recognised testing organisation or an officially recognised expert for motor vehicle valuations(BAFA 2021: Promotion of electrically powered vehicles) is required as a substitute.
Checklist - What documents do you need?

BAFA electric car application - Step by step guide to the environmental bonus
How do you submit a BAFA application? This is done exclusively online via the electronic application form. The advantage is that natural persons can also submit their application via the "Federal user account", for example by using the online ID function, the European eID or their ELSTER account. In this way, in addition to quick identification, you have the advantage of receiving all procedural mail electronically via the "Federal user account" if you wish.
Step 1: Application
The application can only be made for vehicles that have already been registered. To do so, simply submit the relevant documents that you need for your vehicle according to the checklist.
Step 2: Confirmation of truthful information
First, open and save the PDF document after completing the application. Then print it out, sign it and scan it. If you upload the information via the "Federal user account" and the online ID function or the ELSTER account, this step can be omitted.
Step 3: Acknowledgement of receipt
15 minutes after submitting the application form, you will receive a confirmation of receipt with a process number and a link to the upload area at the e-mail address provided. You can now upload the completed confirmation of the truthful information via the upload area.
Step 3.5: Reminder due to missing documents
If your documents are incomplete, BAFA will contact you and remind you to submit the missing documents.
Step 4: Grant notification
Once the application has been submitted in full and has been positively assessed, the notification of funding will be issued and at the same time the federal share of the environmental bonus will be paid to the bank account specified in the application.
All info also under:

BAFA application: Our video guide
If you would prefer to be guided through the individual steps in a practical way, you have come to the right place. In our video guide you can see exactly how you should proceed with your own BAFA application.
Click here to go directly to the application form.
Funding: It's easy to apply for the BAFA environmental bonus!
The BAFA subsidy makes the switch to e-cars really palatable. Many people think that the application process is overcomplicated and therefore have a certain timidity about it. However, this concern is completely unfounded, applying for the BAFA grant is quite simple, as we can see in the step-by-step and video guide. It is reassuring to know that the government will continue to promote electromobility in the future. Nevertheless, the current funding with the innovation premium is only limited until the end of 2022. This is especially important for people who are thinking of getting a plug-in hybrid vehicle, because these may no longer be subsidised to the same extent in the future. If you want to be sure to receive subsidies at the currently applicable conditions, you should go ahead with the car purchase and the accompanying registration this year.
If you have any further questions on the subject of electromobility, please write to us at !